Scientific production

Below is a non-exhaustive list of articles or presentations in which NoiseModelling is used.

Standard Noise maps

BACLET S., VENKATARAMAN S., RUMPLER R., BILLSJÖ R., HORVATH J., ÖSTERLUND P. E., , From strategic noise maps to receiver-centric noise exposure sensitivity mapping, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022, vol. 102 (Noise mapping, Road traffic noise, Population exposure, Road network sensitivity)

GRAZIUSO G., FRANCAVILLA A. B., MANCINI S., GUARNACCIA C., Open-source software tools for strategic noise mapping: a case study, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022, vol. 2162, 012014

AUMOND P., BOCHER E., ECOTIERE D., FORTIN N., GAUVREAU B., GUILLAUME G., PETIT G., Improvement of city noise map production processes and sensitivity analysis to noise models inputs, Euronoise Conference Proceedings, 2021, p. 1128

BACLET S., VENKATARAMAN S., RUMPLER R., A methodology to assess the impact of driving noise from individual vehicles in an urban environment, Resource Efficient Vehicles Conference, 2021.

NOURMOHAMMADI Z., LILASATHAPORNKIT T., ASHFAQ M., et al., Mapping Urban Environmental Performance with Emerging Data Sources: A Case of Urban Greenery and Traffic Noise in Sydney, Australia, Sustainability, 2021, vol. 13, n° 2, p. 605

BAEZA J. L., SIEVERT J. L., LANDWEHR A., et al., CityScope Platform for Real-Time Analysis and Decision-Support in Urban Design Competitions, International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 2021, vol. 10, n° 4, p. 1-17

WANG Z., NOVACK T., YAN Y., ZIPF A., Quiet Route Planning for Pedestrians in Traffic Noise Polluted Environments, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020

AUMOND P., FORTIN N., CAN A., Overview of the NoiseModelling open-source software version 3 and its applications, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2020, vol. 261, n°4, p. 2005-2011

Dynamic Noise maps

LE BESCOND V., CAN A., AUMOND P., GASTINEAU P., Open-source modeling chain for the dynamic assessment of road traffic noise exposure, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2021, vol. 94, 102793 (Watch a short presentation on Youtube)

CAN A., AUMOND P., BECARIE, C., LECLERCQ, L., Dynamic approach for the study of the spatial impact of road traffic noise at peak hours, Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen, Allemagne, 09-13 September, 2019

QUINTERO G., AUMOND P., CAN A., BALASTEGUI A., ROMEU J., Statistical requirements for noise mapping based on mobile measurements using bikes, Applied Acoustics, 156, 271-278, 2019


CAN A., AUMOND P., BECARIE C., LECLERCQ L., Approche dynamique pour l’étude de l’emprise spatiale du bruit de trafic routier aux heures de pointe, Recherche en Transport Sécurité, 2018

Probabilistic & Multi-sources Noise maps

ALIONTE C-G., COMEAGA D-C., Noise assessment of the small-scale wind farm, In : E3S Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2019

AUMOND P., CAN A., Probabilistic modeling framework to predict traffic sound distribution, Proceedings of Euronoise, Hersonissos, Crete, 27-31 May 2018

AUMOND P., JACQUESSON L., CAN A., Probabilistic modeling framework for multisource sound mapping, Applied Acoustics, 139, 34-43, 2018

Sensitivity Analysis & data assimilation

LESIEUR A., MALLET V., AUMOND P., CAN A., Data assimilation for urban noise mapping with a meta-model, Applied Acoustics, 2021, vol. 176, 107938,

AUMOND P., CAN A., MALLET V., GAUVREAU B., GUILLAUME G., Global sensitivity analysis of a noise mapping model based on open-source software, Applied Acoustics, 2021, vol. 176, 107899

LESIEUR A., AUMOND P., MALLET V., et al., Meta-modeling for urban noise mapping. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020, vol. 148, no 6, p. 3671-3681


AUMOND P., CAN A., MALLET V., GAUVREAU B., GUILLAUME G., Global sensitivity analysis for urban noise modelling, Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen, Allemagne, 09-13 September, 2019


ROHRLICH F. , VERRON C. (Noise Makers), Captation et Simulation d’Ambiances Urbaines Spatialisées, 2018-2019
