Numerical Model
Emission Numerical Model
Road traffic emission model
The emission model of the implemented road traffic is the CNOSSOS-EU model.
User can choose coefficients from the Directive 2015/996 and its amendment 2019/1010.
Rail traffic emission model
The emission model of the implemented rail traffic is the CNOSSOS-EU model.
Only french database, from SNCF, is implemented.
Without emission model
User can also add directly its own emission sound power level (LW).
Path finding algorithm
The path finding algorithm is a rubber-band like algorithm as specified in CNOSSOS-EU.
To optimize the processing time, this algorithm is taking benefit from a R-Tree spatial partioning algorithm.
Rays backwards to the source or receiver are not taken into account. For example, if a receiver is located inside a U-shaped building, only diffractions on horizontal edges will be taken into account.

Propagation Numerical Model
The propagation model is the CNOSSOS-EU one.